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DAFA is back with the seniors at MWS!

Yes, once again, DAFA is back at MWS and this time, not just for one session, but two! It’s always good to return back to the same old place and even better, with new faces! The first session conducted on 30th May was in Chinese and we had loads of fun with the seniors.

The seniors were an enthusiastic and lovely group to be with. They started off being very shy but soon after, they were overflowing with questions on how to do this and how to do that. Their eagerness to learn was truly touching. Their creativity were endless as they drew digital art pieces from tingkats to flowers and to even beautiful homes. It was especially heartwarming listening to them as every piece has a unique story behind. It was as though they went back to their fondest memory and unleashed their inner child-like self!

The session wrapped up with a short sharing from each senior with just the nostalgic Kampung Spirit from the good old days! That’s all for the Chinese session and till then, stay tuned to our next blog for the English session at MWS!

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