Our DAFA team is at the Down Syndrome Association to meet our adorable participants and teach them about media and digital literacy! It was a rainy day but it definitely did not dampen their excited spirit to learn digital arts (:
Once again, we introduced to them about the 3 core values of “Be Safe, Be Smart and Be Kind” and it was nice to see the participants and their family members listening attentively. We shared about the cyber attacks in Singapore, how we can protect our own information and the importance of being kind in the cyber world.
Digital drawing followed after and the participants enjoyed themselves as they drew their favourite characters, food, and even family members! Some of them are big fans of Marvel and video games, hence we saw many drawings of The Avengers and video game characters - just like the picture above! It has been a fruitful day for our DAFA team and we hope that the participants enjoyed the session as much as we did!